Enriching student life at the University of Chicago Divinity School since 1968.
Who we are
The Divinity Students Association (DSA) is an organization run by and for University of Chicago Divinity School students. Every registered Divinity School student is automatically a DSA member. Founded in the early 1960s, the Divinity Students Association was and has operated as an independent nonprofit (501c3) within the Divinity School since 1968.
What We Do
The DSA contributes to many spheres of life in the Divinity School, including academic, professional, and social. From hosting events, to supporting student clubs, to offering grants, the DSA strives to foster community for students from every degree program within the Divinity School.
The Divinity Students Association offers a number of grants and fellowships to help support Divinity School students including conference, research, and wellness grants.
The Divinity Students Association supports multiple clubs and organizations that enrich student life at Swift Hall.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.